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Educating Beyond The Classroom

Educating Beyond The Classroom

Educating Beyond The Classroom

Projects can be de?ned and delivered within different contexts, across diverse industry sectors. They can be large or small. Every
project needs to be managed to ensure its success, An associate project manager knows what needs to be achieved, how it will
be achieved, how long it will take and how much it will cost, and works with the project team to achieve the required outcomes.
Associate project managers need good planning, organization, leadership, management and communication skills. An associate
project manager utilizes resources with suitable skills, qualifcations, experience and knowledge to work together in a motivated
and integrated team, with clearly de?ned reporting lines, roles, responsibilities and authorities. Dependent upon the size of the
organisations and the complexity of projects, associate project managers’ job titles will vary, but typically they can include:
assistant project manager, junior project manager, project team leader. Some organisations use ‘project manager’ as a generic
job title.

For more information on this qualification, please click here.