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Educating Beyond The Classroom

Educating Beyond The Classroom

Educating Beyond The Classroom

This qualification is aimed at those who have responsibility for carrying out work in Construction related Wood Occupations in the workplace and on site. Because of the wide range of Wood Occupations it is not expected that all candidates will carry out the same activities; the qualification is structured to ensure that there is a high degree of flexibility within the units available, there are 6 pathways to cover a range of tasks that come under the following broad headings; Site Carpentry, Bench Joinery, Structural Post and Beam Carpentry, Light Structural Timber Framing, Timber Frame Erection and Timber Decks and Cladding. All work must be completed following Industry recognised Safe Working Practices and in accordance with relevant legislation.

This qualification is at Level 2, although some units may be at different levels and should be taken by those who are fully trained to deal with routine assignments. Candidates should require minimum supervision in undertaking the job. The qualification has been developed in a way to allow employees from companies of all sizes and specialisms equal opportunity to complete.

What is required from candidates?

QCF qualifications are made up of a number of units that have a credit value or credits. These credits must be achieved in the correct combination from mandatory and optional units: this qualification has a group of 3 mandatory units, which have a total of 10 credits and a number of groups of optional units. Candidates must achieve all of the mandatory units, and the required minimum credits from the chosen pathway-see below for details. The units are made up of the things those working in these job roles need to know and the tasks they need to be able to do to carry out the work safely and correctly. These are called Learning Outcomes, and all must be met to achieve the unit.

For more information about this qualification click here.