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Educating Beyond The Classroom

Educating Beyond The Classroom

Educating Beyond The Classroom

This Intermediate Apprenticeship In Glass Distribution and Warehousing Level 2 600/3900/0 is aimed at those who undertake activities in the Distribution and/or Warehousing of glass and glass related products. This could include those involved in receiving products, storing them in the warehouse, and handing over goods to customers, either in the Organisation’s premises or by delivery vehicle. The qualification has been written in a way to allow employees from companies of all sizes and specialisms equal opportunity to complete.
It is not expected that candidates working in this specialist part of the glass industry all do the same activities: the qualification is structured to ensure that there is a high degree of flexibility in qualifications.
The standard covers the most important aspect of the job. This qualification is at Level 2, although some units may be at different levels, and should be taken by those who are fully trained to deal with routine assignments. Candidates should require minimum supervision in undertaking the job.

Candidates for this qualification will primarily be involved in:
Receiving, storing and distributing glass and glass related products.

Candidates are likely to have jobs entitled:

  • Warehouse operative
  • Warehouse assistant
  • Picker
  • Packer
  • Warehouse person
  • Materials handler
  • Delivery driver
  • Stores person
  • Warehouse supervisor
  • Stock handler
  • Order picker

For more information about this qualification please click here

When undertaken as part of an apprenticeship, learners will also need to complete the Level 2 Certificate in Glass Related Operations 500/7768/5

This qualification is aimed at individuals wishing to gain knowledge of the basic requirements of working safely and effectively in a glass-related working environment.

Establishing underpinning knowledge and understanding relevant to the Glass Industry, this qualification is intended to be capable of delivery through both a taught programme of off-the-job learning or through workplace assessment (for those with access to the real workplace).

Along with a number of generic glass industry units, the group of optional units ensures there is a specific unit to cover the individual occupational roles in the glass industry.

For more information about this qualification please click here.